LUMINU by LUMINISH @ Romanian Design Week
LUMINU. Hand in hand paper. True story.
LUMINISH. The light from the woods. True story.
Experiences into the substance and the fantasia of the Book Studio, into the light and the shadow of Luminish. Well-ordered by finding, making and comprehension. Gathered here, from the beginning till the end of the Romanian Design Week, 15th-24th of May 2015.
We desired interplay, we got the dialogue.
We desired a colaj installation frozen in contemplation, we got the weaver well anchored in creation.
We proposed the moulding, we got hands.
We proposed the script, we got description.
Thanks to your footstep which guided you in, thanks to your hands which patiently lay into the paper, thanks to your glittering eyes, thanks to those smiles which did not show up, but were here. Thank you and you and you! Come onward and come back! Among hours, among words, amidst us!
În ordinea găsirii, făptuirii și a înțelegerii. Adunate aici, de la începutul până la sfârșitul proiectului Romanian Design Week, 15-24 mai 2015.
Am vrut interacțiune, am primit dialog.
Am vrut o instalație-colaj suspendată-n intenție, am primit un război de țesut bine socotit în facere.
Am propus mulaj, am primit mâini.
Am propus scriere, am primit descriere.
Mulțumim pașilor care v-au purtat încoace, mulțumim mâinilor care au stat răbdătoare în hârtie, mulțumim ochilor luminoși, mulțumim zâmbetelor care nu s-au arătat, dar au fost aici. Vă mulțumim vouă, vă, vi, v! Haideți înainte și haideți înapoi! Între ceasuri, între cuvinte, printre noi!
The experience of a hand mould! |
Hand moulding |
Hand in hand |
Come into Luminu! |
The weaver, Luminu |
Noblesse Group team hand moulds |
Luminu @ Noblesse Palace - Art and Events Center |
Lightening Object Exhibition @ Noblesse Palace - Art and Events Center |
The Journal of the Studio during RDW2015 |
photos by Atelierul de Carte & Cristiana Negoescu